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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hubble Ultra Deep Field

"If the distance across this image in space was scaled to the diameter of your drinking straw, the depth of this image would make your drinking straw 8 foot long. All those specks you see are not stars, they’re other galaxies. In this image alone, there are almost 10,000 galaxies. The nearest ones, those that appear as well-defined spirals and ellipses, are about one billion light-years away. In other words, this image is showing us what those galaxies looked like one billion years ago. The furthest galaxies in the image are shown as they existed only 800 million years after the universe was created and are some 13 billion light-years away."

This isnt a new image, in fact it is quite old. I read an article today and was reminded of just how truly significant and beautiful this image is, so here is the image, click on it and look at the bigger, huh?

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