Support World AIDS Day

Monday, December 18, 2006

Skywalk'n USA

The Glass Bridge Construction of the Skywalk began March of 2004 and is estimated to be completed by 4th quarter of 2006.

Upon completion, the Glass Bridge will be suspended 4,000 feet above the Colorado River on the very edge of the Grand Canyon. On May 2005, the final test was conducted and the structure passed engineering requirements by 400 percent, enabling it to withstand the weight of 71 fully loaded Boeing 747 airplanes (more than 71 million pounds). The bridge will be able to sustain winds in excess of 100 miles per hour from 8 different directions, as well as an 8.0 magnitude earthquake within 50 miles. More than one million pounds of steel will go into the construction of the Grand Canyon Skywalk.

Sheesh!!! I dont know about that one, I am not afraid of heights.....I think I would make it....but only after freaking out first!!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What Not To Get...

Dumb, but the end is funny...

What he really wanted...

More Christmas Cheer!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

That Time Of The Year...

Well needless to say, Christmas is one of my least favorite holidays. I was browsing around the internets today and came across this picture and couldn't stop laughing!!!

That is a fantastic photo!!! Really captures the feeling of Christmas...

Gem Sweater

Another great internets find by my friend Steven...Leslie and the Lys rock!!!

New FOIA Surveillance Tape Released

Not much new information, you cant see a damn thing...

Monday, December 04, 2006

Funny English Subtitles used in Chinese movies

1. I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.

2. Fatty, you with your thick face have hurt my instep.

3. Gun wounds again?

4. Same old rules: no eyes, no groin.

5. A normal person wouldn't steal pituitaries.

6. Damn, I'll burn you into a BBQ chicken!

7. Take my advice, or I'll spank you without pants.

8. Who gave you the nerve to get killed here?

9. Quiet or I'll blow your throat up.

10. You always use violence. I should've ordered glutinous rice chicken.

11. I'll fire aimlessly if you don't come out!

12. You daring lousy guy.

13. Beat him out of recognizable shape!

14. I have been scared shitless too much lately.

15. I got knife scars more than the number of your leg's hair!

16. Beware! Your bones are going to be disconnected.

17. The bullets inside are very hot. Why do I feel so cold?

18. How can you use my intestines as a gift?

19. This will be of fine service for you, you bag of the scum. I am sure you will not mind that I remove your manhoods and leave them out on the dessert flour for your aunts to eat. [sic, of course]

20. Yah-hah, evil spider woman! I have captured you by the short rabbits and can now deliver you violently to your gynecologist for a thorough examination.

21. Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

50 Caliber Moron

What an absolute idiot, just another reason guns should be outlawed...

Texas Tea Tub

Here in Naftalan, visitors can bathe once a day in the local crude. They and doctors here say it relieves joint pain, cures psoriasis, calms nerves and beautifies skin — never mind that Western experts say it may cause cancer.

Each bath uses about a barrel of crude, which is recycled into a communal tank for future bathers, given the cost of oil these days. Mr. Mirzeyev also uses paper towels to wipe bathers clean, a long, hard process that involves several showers.

The tubs are not scoured between baths and, as might be expected, have perhaps the world’s worst bathtub rings — greasy and greenish brown.

Uhhh, that's nasty!!! Nasty, nasty, nasty.....A 15-day course costs $450, what a deal!

Friday, December 01, 2006

BenQ MusiQ Dog Tag MP3 Player Advertisment

These BenQ MusiQ Dog Tag MP3 players may be quite stylish, but wtf is up with their Chinese site? The splash page features some one gloved Michael Jackson guy standing in front of what looks like the WTC ruins. Yeah? Seemed like a good idea at the time?

BenQ must have taken a page from BlackBerry's Pearl Harbor ad campaign where the Japanese were depicted as dropping smartphones into the hands of screaming Cingular users. – Jason Chen

Wow, ...I think that the image is extremely blatant in which emotion it is supposed to invoke ...but it clearly points out that as "sex-sells", "hate-sells" just as much...

Richard Simmons' Exploding Steamer

Richard Simmons is freaking hilarious!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

9/11, Then and Now

5 years ago juxtaposed with what it looks like today...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Subdivision Bans Peace

A homeowners association in southwestern Colorado has threatened to fine a resident $25 a day until she removes a Christmas wreath with a peace sign that some say is an anti-Iraq war protest or a symbol of Satan.

Wow, that is crazy!!! The Home Owners Association really are out the Chupacabra's gonna 'git ya!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Poor Kid...

Sad, and yet absolutely hilarious!!! What are the odds? LOL!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Ewww...Coulter Blow Up Doll...

The Coulter blow up doll was a manufacturing challenge, a direct result of her skeleton-like appearance and Adam's apple. "We went back and forth with our manufacturer in Taiwan and trying to get the look right required a little improvising," Larson explained. "The neck is from a male blow up doll and we had to re-engineer a series of molds to get the look right, well, right for Ann that is."

Hahaha!!! That is priceless!!!

Hand full of Peter

Family Guy - Peter And Lois Singing - video powered by Metacafe

This is one of my favorite episodes, hilarious!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Joseph Barbaccia

Self Portrait 2004
Mixed Media Construction
(Crayons, aluminum)
40" x 30" x 4 "

This is a very interesting piece of work made by Joseph Barbaccia, now thats a lot of crayons!!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


In an effort to handle its nighttime public urination problem, Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, is considering installing urinals that disappear below street level during the day. Unlike the automated, self-cleaning toilets planned for Toronto and Vancouver, which are enclosed booths with doors that that automatically open after a set time period, the Urilift system is a two-meter high stainless steel cylinder with three alcoves, each with a urinal, and no doors.

The urinals are designed exclusively for men, and more specifically, for male drinkers. The $75,000 system has been installed across the Netherlands, and have spread to London and Belfast, but Victoria will be the first North American city to try them out.

How cool is that...we need some of those here in the states, great idea!!!

Cubic Tragedy

I am a video posting fool!! I can't stop! This is a fantastic animation that was shown at the Electronic Theater during Siggraph 2005, very cute and original!

Tidy Up

So my sister Heather sent this to me....LOL, that is one hilarious commercial!!!

Christian Clown Training

If they are in need of a touch, you touch them. OMG, this is so scary!!!! Old people are not fucking kids!!! Best rule of thumb is don't do it....yeah that got the Christians real far, didn't it...

Let Us Never Stop Praising, Yahweh Our Master...

Oh damn, Reverend Alicia tears that shit up!!! Gold Lame' forever!!! Juggle those coconuts!!!

How Can We Exterminate White People?

Ohh, shit! I dont even know what to say, I am speachless...

Fry the Chicken!

Ohhhh lawd! Who can forget the fabulous Ms. Peachez?!!!

You hear me?

Wii Wii

So I can only assume mass hysteria will follow tomorrow when the Wii is released. I have to say I think Nintendo is the winner by a landslide. Beautiful product design, and I am sure when the riot quiets down I might, possibly might get one.

Animaris Rhinoceros

Wow, this one is my favorite! Same artist, Theo Jansen.

"Kinetic Sculptures"

"Five months after being awarded the prestigious BMW (South Africa) advertising account, fledgling creative hotshop Ireland/Davenport launched the agency's first new TV commercial for the brand. Shot in the Netherlands utilizing the moving sculptures of world-renowned artist Theo Jansen, the commercial, entitled "Kinetic Sculptures" forms part of a broader campaign which serves to highlight BMW's market leadership in the fields of technology and innovation."

Beautiful commercial, beautiful sculptures!


Well my cat passed away 3 days ago, and today we found a very nice beautiful spot in the foothills to lay her to rest. She was 24 years old (same age as my little sister), so if you compare that to human years, she was 112!!!

Love ya tiggala, you are now at peace.

Friday, November 17, 2006

PS3 Insanity...

So let the games begin...

A limited few idiotic people who waited in line for over two days now have their precious PS3, but from what I have been reading no one is getting one for themselves, but instead re-selling them on ebay....for how much you ask? $100,000

Check out this dick who is selling one, and I can assume it will not be bought!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Yeah, just some old pipes here...

Wow, rusting pipes everywhere never looked so good!!!

The Time Fountain

Put some fluorescent dye in water. Then feed it through a precise, micro-controlled pump so as to get a very regular stream of drops from the top of your apparatus. Then, turn the blacklight on, and start your strobelight. What you’ve just created is called The Time Fountain.

Wow, I want is the link to the DIY project.

Jesus Spotted On Dogs Ass

Ok at first I was like....uh, where....then it hit me like a ton of bricks and I couldnt stop laughing....very funny...

As if a dogs ass isn't enough, 'Dog' is a palindrome of 'God'.....I think we are on to something here...

I'm NOT Happy!!!

The 20 happiest nations in the World are:

1. Denmark
2. Switzerland
3. Austria
4. Iceland
5. The Bahamas
6. Finland
7. Sweden
8. Bhutan
9. Brunei
10. Canada
11. Ireland
12. Luxembourg
13. Costa Rica
14. Malta
15. The Netherlands
16. Antigua and Barbuda
17. Malaysia
18. New Zealand
19. Norway
20. The Seychelles

Other notable results include:

23. USA
35. Germany
41. UK
62. France
82. China
90. Japan
125. India
167. Russia

The three least happy countries were:

176. Democratic Republic of the Congo
177. Zimbabwe
178. Burundi

Yeah, I would be happy if I lived in Denmark too, hello!!! Well at least USA is happier than most of the major European counties....barely...

How cute is that kid.....adorable!!!

You've Come A Long Way.....Baby...

And a picture is worth a thousand words, that I am not going to type....hillarious!!!!

Rudy Hot Patootie

"Yes, it's former NYC mayor Rody Giuliani in drag having his "breasts" shamelessly violated by "Apprentice" tycoon Donald Trump"

So people are talking about how this is going to ruin Giuliani's run for presidency, but see this is the shit that makes me like him...not that I would ever vote for him....

Any way funny, and cute....

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hubble Ultra Deep Field

"If the distance across this image in space was scaled to the diameter of your drinking straw, the depth of this image would make your drinking straw 8 foot long. All those specks you see are not stars, they’re other galaxies. In this image alone, there are almost 10,000 galaxies. The nearest ones, those that appear as well-defined spirals and ellipses, are about one billion light-years away. In other words, this image is showing us what those galaxies looked like one billion years ago. The furthest galaxies in the image are shown as they existed only 800 million years after the universe was created and are some 13 billion light-years away."

This isnt a new image, in fact it is quite old. I read an article today and was reminded of just how truly significant and beautiful this image is, so here is the image, click on it and look at the bigger, huh?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Demolition Charges Used To Bring Down The WTC

The sound allegedly has not been enhanced in any way and is even distorted by the Google encoding yet sets itself in accord with the testimony of most eyewitness testimony. That includes testimony from the FDNY firefighters.

The building had 114 floors and took approximately 10 seconds to collapse. In this video fourteen explosions can be heard in a period of 5 seconds dispelling any belief in a "pancake theory".

While more and more evidence piles up and the floodgates are ready to burst one ponders what it will take for the people to finally get up and kick the people subverting the indictments into jail. Instead we note that they have now been promoted to higher positions of power/ they have passed more draconian laws stripping more freedoms and liberties in the belief that it will save us from the invisible enemy who cannot be killed.

Don't tell me I need to put my tin-foil hat on....this is not a conspiracy...

Let Me Taste Your Sweet Memory

If your kids have grown wise to your idle threats of coal in the stocking, then how about letting them play with FATBEAR in their fairy-tale lands of candy-cane slides and soda-pop fountains.

Then, when that toddler steps out line, just rip off the bear's head and delight in the screams of compliance. Now this isn't just any ol' child-herding, decapitated teddy bear mind you, FATBEAR which is more like your creepy uncle LEGO Man in a bear suit -- is from none other than Japan's own, SolidAlliance and offered up deadpan with a tagline of "let me taste your sweet memory."

Start feeding FATBEAR up to 256MB of your data and this little plastic furball actually begins to grow, we think -- oh please god of the craplastic, let it be so! - Engadget

OMG, those crazy Japanese!!! Check out the other flash drives that they have....Sushi...Hahaha!

Introducing My Flavors...

M&M's now come in 8 new flavors;

All that Razz: Creamy white chocolate + milk chocolate + rasberry-flavored candy shell

Eat, Drink & Be Cherry: Creamy white chocolate + milk chocolate + black cherry shell

A Day At the Peach: Creamy white chocolate + milk chocolate + peach-flavored candy shell

Orange-U-Glad: Creamy white chocolate + milk chocolate + orange-flavored candy shell

AlmonDee-licious: Almond + creamy white chocolate + candy shell

Mint Condition: Creamy white chocolate + milk chocolate + mint-flavored candy shell

Nut What You Think: Peanut + creamy white chocolate + candy shell

Cookie Mintster: Crispy center + dark chocolate + speckled mint-flavored candy shell

Wow, thats cool and they have cute names, but the tin costs $50....That's more than I am willing to pay for M&M's!!!

How Old Are You Really?

The revolution of the earth around the sun is how we define the year. A year is the time it takes to make one revolution - a little over 365 days.

We all learn in grade school that the planets move at differing rates around the sun. While earth takes 365 days to make one circuit, the closest planet, Mercury, takes only 88 days. Poor, ponderous, and distant Pluto takes a whopping 248 years for one revolution.

This is an interesting little calculator that tells you your age on different planets in our solar system, I am only 2 years old on Jupiter, and 14 on Mars...oh, those were the days...

The Candy Wrapper Museum

The Candy Wrapper Museum, where wrappers are to be enjoyed as art, nostalgia, and humor.

"Here, the Bonbon company taps into a more traditional sex exploitation market. This is for the person who needs a snack and whose day is brightened by a good ol' dependable huge set of gummi jugs. Joe Lacey, who sent me this image, tells me that "Store Babser" literally means "heavy tits."

These are a few of the ones I really liked....check it out, kinda funny...

When In Doubt, Use The Google...

Doctors in doubt about a patient's ailment could use Google to help them reach a diagnosis, researchers said today.

Two Australian doctors have found that entering the symptoms of a tricky case into the internet search engine often results in accurately diagnosing the illness.

They put Google to the test by entering the symptoms of 26 difficult cases recorded in the New England Journal of Medicine into the search engine to see how accurate an aid to diagnosis it was. And in 58% of cases using the search engine led to the correct diagnosis.

Rumsfeld Gets Cute At The Podium

You know I have never actually seen this show, man it is hilarious!!! Oh, Rummy so sad to see you go!! Buh-Bye...LOL!

Flying Spaghetti Monster Spotted

"The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is not “Garbage”, but is in fact a fast growing religion. I cannot be upset with you over the fact that you’ve insulted my faith, because you like most people are ignorant to our existance. This is why I am taking this opportunity to explain to you the ways of Pastafarianism so that you may not be so critical of it in the future. If however, religious discrimination continues, the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) could be called upon to resolve these matters.

Pastafarianism has been around for nearly 2500 years, but has stayed hidden from the public until recently when the FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster) approached our prophet Bobby Henderson. Henderson in turn wrote our only religious tome to date, “The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster”. Pastafarianism or FSMism, is the only religion based on imperical evidence of our creators existance. Evidence of His existence can be found in such places as “String Theory” which hypothesizes that all subatomic particles are made of small string like or “noodly” waves of energy, which would imply his creating of all things living and non, in his image."

Hilarious!!!....Long live the Flying Spaghetti Monster!!!

Robot Identifies Human Flesh As Bacon

Researchers at NEC System technologies and Mie University have designed the cute little guy above: a metal man gastronomist.

Upon being given a sample, he will speak up in a childlike voice and identify what he has just been fed.

But when a reporter placed his hand in the robot's omnivorous clanking jaw, he was identified as bacon. A cameraman then tried and was identified as prosciutto.

Absolutely horrifying. Like cows, once robots taste blood, their hunger for human flesh can never be satiated.

LOL!!! Mmmmmm, must eat bacon......

Wal-Mart is selling Nazi SS Skull T-Shirts

"I stopped in at Wal-Mart today after I got off work. I had to pick up a few things. As I was walking past the men's clothing area, something caught my eye. I noticed something weird over at a wall of t-shirts. One of the t-shirts had a design on it that looked remarkably like something related to Nazis. Specifically, the Totenkopf or "Death’s Head"." - Bent Corner Blog

Coincidence? Hard to say....I mean you cant even get a CD that has swear words on it at Wal-Mart, but I wouldnt put it past them, after all Wal-Mart really is evil...

Later after posting this entry I got this email:

Good morning. My name is Marshall Manson. I work for Edelman doing online public affairs for Wal-Mart. I noticed your post about the t-shirts that Wal-Mart is selling. I wanted to make sure you saw the company’s statement about this and knew that Wal-Mart is now removing the t-shirts from its stores. Obviously, with a company as big as Wal-Mart, that may take a day or two.

Good for them, I think it is the right decision...and they were quick to respond!!! But I still think Wal-Mart is evil...LOL!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Introducing a revolutionary new rechargeable battery - the USBCELL.

This NiMH AA cell can be used like a normal battery and can be recharged simply by plugging into a USB port.

That's cool....wonder how long they last....

Pronto Condoms

New condom on market called pronto. As the name implies it's a speedy and easy way to put on a condom without ruining the mood. This is the hysterical viral campaign that went out with the product launch.

Now that's innovation!!! That is very cool!!!

Looking For My Leopard

OMG, so Steven sent this to me...kinda reminds me of that horrible commercial that they had for Quiznos awhile back...any who it is still kinda funny in a freaky way...

Go Your Way!!!!

Have you ever had a full bladder with no bathroom in sight?

Have you ever been afraid to pull down your pants to squat and pee and risk being seen or peeing on your shoes?

Yes? Then the P-Mate is for you!

· Made from recycled materials
· Quick, clean and leak-proof
· Fits discreetly in pocket or purse
· Shaped to the female body form

The unique and original P-Mate enables woman to pee neatly while standing upright.

Once you have used it, you can't do without it. The P-Mate gives you more freedom, safety and hygiene. It was developed using the feedback from thousands of women who have tested the P-Mate internationally.

The P-Mate eliminates the need to hover over a dirty toilet seat and is the perfect solution to combat those 'less than desirable' public restroom situations and traveling emergencies.

HAAAA!!! That's so funny!

Haggard's "Muscle Stud"

More pictures can be seen here, on his personal website, which boasts, "I offer a deep tissue and Swedish style massage with the pleasure of the man in mind. If you like a strong muscle man to bring pleasure to you then please call me." The personal site also lists Jones' rates at:

"In calls at my place in Capitol Hill of Denver: $70.00 per hour $90.00 1 1/2 hrs.
Out calls start at $100.00."

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Take that Mean Jean!!!

If that's not a sign.....I don't know what is....LOL!!!

She just looks so uptight and evil, what a bitch!

Man on Dog Santorum Concedes!!!

My friend Steven sent this picture to me and I can only laugh, roll, and laugh some more.....babydolls and all, here is to you and your family Rick, kiss my ass you dirty immoral scumbag!!! Hahahaha!!!

Take America Back

The illegal war of aggression he launched against Iraq has so far killed 655,000 innocent people, 2.5% of an entire nation.

What else can you say?

Fast Food Drive-Throughs Go Long Distance

When Jairo Moncada pulled up to the drive-through at Wendy's in Burbank, Calif., for his usual cheeseburger, fries, and soda, he knew things looked different. There was an extra lane.

But the 25-year-old could not see the biggest change: The woman taking his lunch order was sitting 3,000 miles away at a computer terminal in Nashua, and fielding calls from Wendy's customers at drive-throughs as far away as Florida and Washington, D.C.

"I had absolutely no idea I was talking to someone in New Hampshire," Moncada said in a phone interview later that day. "Our order was ready at the window. It was really quick."

Uhhh, ok thats a little strange...but when are these jobs going to get outsourced???

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ann Coulter Talking Action Figure

Amuse your conservative friends and annoy your liberal neighbors with the Ann Coulter Talking Action Figure. This incredibly lifelike action figure looks just like the beautiful Ann Coulter, and best of all . . . it sounds like Ann, too! Ann recorded these classic Coulter sayings especially for this action figure.

Uhh, did they just use beautiful as an adjective to describe Ann Coulter??? Hold on a moment I have to vomit...isn't it amazing what $29.95 will get you these days...she approved the doll and recorded the "Coulterisims" that the doll perorates....Oy Vey!!!

Push the button on the figure, and you'll hear such "Coulterisms" as:

  • "Liberals can't just come out and say they want to take more of our money, kill babies, and discriminate on the basis of race."

  • "At least when right-wingers rant, there's a point."

  • "Swing voters are more appropriately known as the 'idiot voters' because they have no set of philosophical principles. By the age of fourteen, you're either a Conservative or a Liberal if you have an IQ above a toaster."

  • "Why not go to war just for oil? We need oil. What do Hollywood celebrities imagine fuels their private jets? How do they think their cocaine is delivered to them?"

  • "Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like Liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now."
Vile, this woman/man hybrid is a freak of nature and should never be allowed out of the depths of her goulish dark underground prison...

gPod - Feel the beat!!!

A Japanese invention that is sound activated that can plug into iPods or mobile phones to stimulate a woman in the right G-spot. Apple is not happy about the name. "Kameda's commercial pride and joy is actually a women's sex aid worn inside her most intimate orifices and buzzing her with good vibrations when set off by sound."

Republican Fear Factor

This Republican flyer was distributed today throughout New York State, as part of a last ditch push to preserve as many Congressional seats as they can.

On the surface, it's nothing special. Just another piece of party imagery. But it's managed to stir the pot in Democrat-land because of the hand we see covering the woman's mouth. It's darker than her creamy white face. It's someone of "less pure" heritage, clasping their scuffed, unattractive hand over a blemish free, big-eyed, aghast white girl.

Grasping at straws much?

Ammo with Flavor

Season Shot is made of tightly packed seasoning bound by a fully biodegradable food product. The seasoning is actually injected into the bird on impact seasoning the meat from the inside out. When the bird is cooked the seasoning pellets melt into the meat spreading the flavor to the entire bird. Forget worrying about shot breaking your teeth!

You know I am not a big fan of hunting, unless you kill the animal with your bare hands or with a bow & arrow, but I find this to be amusing...and actually a really good idea!

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Battlefield Extraction-Assist Robot (BEAR)

Designed to find, pick up and rescue people in harm's way, the humanoid BEAR robot can do what humans can't: Lift heavy loads and carry them long distances. Whether on a battlefield, in a nuclear reactor core, near a toxic chemical spill, or inside a structurally-compromised building after an earthquake, the BEAR can rescue those in need as well as or better than humans can, without risking additional human life.

Thats a good idea, and very cool....but the teddy bear head is a little freaky...ever seen Screamers?!!! Mmmmhhhmm...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Things Republican's Want You To Forget.

When you go to the polls on November 7th, 2006, don’t forget what the Republicans have been doing to you and your family for the past six years.

It’s easy to get distracted in our attention deficit disorder world. We need a pill to help us focus, another to keep us sane, some to raise our level of arousal and others to put us to bed at night.

Republicans want you to forget that they had a plan to attack Iraq drawn up long before 9/11.

Republicans want you to forget that you can’t spend any money when you are dead.

Republicans want you to forget that sending jobs overseas takes jobs away from working Americans.

Republicans want you to forget that they want your grandparents to pay as much as possible for health care.......

Presidential Speeches - Aging Cloud Tag Timeline

The tag cloud shows the popularity, frequency, and trends in the usages of words within speeches, official documents, declarations, and letters written by the Presidents of the US between 1776 - 2006 AD.

The dataset consists of over 360 documents downloaded from Encyclopedia Britannica and

Neat...I love tag clouds!

Fired Over Finger, Driver Wants Job Back...

The 43-year-old driver, was driving middle school children back to school after a zoo visit on June 16 when the President and Republican Rep. Dave Reichert drove slowly by in a motorcade.

From the bus, the children waved; with the windows down in their car, Bush and Reichert waved back.

That's when the driver gave the president the finger, according to Reichert and Issaquah superintendent Janet Barry.

"The congressman hadn't seen it, but the president turned to him and said,'That one's not a fan,'"said Reichert spokeswoman Kimberly Cadena.

District spokeswoman Sara Niegowski said the driver has filed a wrongful termination grievance through the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. The union did not return calls seeking comment.

Niegowski said the firing was not politically motivated.

"The bus driver was not terminated for making an obscene gesture at the president. The bus driver was terminated for making an obscene gesture in view of the students,"Niegowski said."That's not the role modeling we need for our students."

Well we all know how much children look up to and admire to be like their bus driver....LOL...ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous!!!

The Goon Bible Project - Book of Job

Reading the Bible so you don't have to. An accurate retelling of the Book of Job...


Thursday, November 02, 2006

I Did Not Having Sexual Relations With That Gay Hooker

"Prominent anti-gay evangelical Pastor Ted Haggard, the head of a "megachurch" with ties to the White House, stepped down today as president of the National Association of Evangelicals after gay escort Mike Jones claimed he had a three-year "sexual business" relationship with Haggard. Jones also told a radio show host that he has recorded voicemails and a letter from the pastor, and claims that the Haggard used methamphetamine in his presence on several occasions."

Good lord, oh good lord!!!.....Look whos got shit on their face now? I cant help but just laugh, and laugh....the I am the holiest are always, always the dirtiest...oh yeah he's gay...

Pastor Ted the Queer Meth Head....

A True NO TOUCH Car Wash...

You are bidding on my skimpy 2-piece swimsuit in the above picture, the car wash is my free gift to you...yours to keep, videotape, do whatever you like...

P.S. You Can Sit In The Car While I Wash The Windows...

OMG, what CAN'T you sell on ebay??? This busty 'ho has horrible grammar too...current bid $15,099.00 , is this for real?!!!

I see the holy cross, must be one of those good Christian girls...besides she isn't even all that for 15 grand you get a girl to wash your car with her boobs....nice...

Der Fuehrer's Face

This Disney short starring Donald Duck is a piece of anti-Nazi propaganda released in 1943. It was kept out of general circulation until it was included in a video Disney released in 2004. A lot of people are saying its offensive or racist...which it is...but you have to consider that it was made in 1943 during WWII.

I actually think it is kinda funny and clever....check it out...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Teen Arrested For Raping His Mother?!!!

And things get worse...can you belive this?!!!

Police say 19-year-old Gary Helms, Jr., raped his 45-year-old mother this past weekend at Willow Terrace Trailer Park on Doyle Drive in Albertville, Alabama.

It's a twisted crime that police say Helms admits....

High School Student Finds Needle...

A high school student found a needle and syringe in a bottle by the side of a road and jabbed eight fellow students over the course of two days, raising serious health concerns, police and school officials said.

"He just walked up and stabbed me with a needle, and said you now have hepatitis," said student Ava Staples. She said she would be getting a blood test. "I'm pretty nervous."

I mean WTF!??? What in the world is wrong with kids these days? High school......I just can not could some one think about and do this? It's so grossly offensive to any decency or regard, unbelievable.

Vernon Robinson For Congress

When you look up scathing lunatic in the dictionary, you just might find a mug shot of Vernon Robinson.

This man is a sociopath, check out this campaign ad that I think was pulled from TV.

Disgusting, disgraceful, shameful...

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Real Beauty

This is a video from Dove's campaign for real beauty where you see a girl get heavy makeup and then "fixed" in Photoshop before she's beautiful enough to fit in the ad itself. Wow, I mean we all know they do it, but to see the difference is bizarre. I can see how young girls can get all worked up over "beauty"....sad....

Master Street Painter's

Master Street Painter Kurt Wenner & Julian Beever are famous for their art on the pavement of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia and Belgium....all over the world. Take a look at these fantastic creations, I have never seen one in person, but I am sure they would leave anyone breathless...absolutely beautiful!

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