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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Why Orange Juice Tastes like Crap after Brushing...

It's a question you may never have asked, but if you've ever brushed your teeth before you've had a glass of juice, you'll know why we had to seek professional advice.

David Cannell is the scientific spokesperson for Questacon, "It's because of a certain ingredient in toothpaste called sodium laurel sulfate. It actually blocks sweet sensors. All the other taste bud cells in your mouth are firing away nicely, but the receptors which pick up the sweet sensors are not working anymore. Not only does it block the sweet sensors, it enhances the sour and bitter, so you get this massive influx of sour and bitter taste coming through the mouth."

David says tastebuds are a very interesting part of the body, "They're the little bumps on the top of your tongue. They look like a tiny onion, if you look at it with a high powered microscope. Each tastebud, which we have about ten thousand of, has about fifty different taste cells."

....just dont drink anything sweet for a while and you will be good to go...

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