Support World AIDS Day

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Real Beauty

This is a video from Dove's campaign for real beauty where you see a girl get heavy makeup and then "fixed" in Photoshop before she's beautiful enough to fit in the ad itself. Wow, I mean we all know they do it, but to see the difference is bizarre. I can see how young girls can get all worked up over "beauty"....sad....

Master Street Painter's

Master Street Painter Kurt Wenner & Julian Beever are famous for their art on the pavement of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia and Belgium....all over the world. Take a look at these fantastic creations, I have never seen one in person, but I am sure they would leave anyone breathless...absolutely beautiful!

Lundgren Monuments

Every human has a unique fingerprint, an original voice and a personality entirely their own. It seems so strange that the memorials crafted to honor these unique individuals are so uniform and pay little homage to the person remembered. With so many cultures and histories, individual quests and life pursuits, shouldn’t we have a diversity of options to remember our beloved? Lundgren Monuments creates handmade translucent cast glass memorials as an alternative to the traditional granite and bronze headstones. Luminescent, organic, rugged and incredibly beautiful, cast glass monuments actually glow with life and spirit, standing out as a beacon amongst a field of stones.

I want one of these, and I also want to be cremated when I pass away. These headstones that are pictured run the gamut from $16,500.00 - $22,500.00...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gay Animals Exhibit Generates Heat...

A Norwegian museum exhibit of homosexual behaviour in the animal world has sparked consternation among conservative Christians.

It shows giraffes mounting, aroused whales mating and dragonflies copulating - all perfectly normal, tender scenes - although perhaps not for all, since in this case the animals are of the same sex.

Breaking what is taboo for some, the Natural History Museum in Oslo is currently showing an exhibition on homosexuality in the animal kingdom which organisers say is the first of its kind in the world.

If I lived in Norway, I would go...I don't know how this can be offensive, I mean after all it is nature...

Hybrid Solar Lighting

Hybrid Solar Lighting is a technology that can light houses with natural solar light. It captures solar light and channels it directly into the rooms using optical fibers.

That is genius!!!

Friday, October 27, 2006


Here's a cool way to use those useless 9 volt batteries you have cluttering up your junk drawer: Richard Lawson's 9Vo(l)tive lights. Turning any 9V battery into a small candle-like light that can be placed anywhere, they're a clever and eye-pleasing use of the chunky batteries.

I want some, it's oh so very deliciously derelict chic...

"Lightbulb" Sculpture

"Lightbulb" uses a special bulb, inside which magnets and circuitry are hidden. Using a magnetic hall effect sensor, an electromagnet, and a feedback system, it floats a light bulb stably in the air, while power is transmitted wirelessly from the base of the sculpture into the bulb.

LEDs in the bulb rectify this AC power and convert it to light. The power transfer functions very similarly to how radio station tuning works and requires a well tuned matched pair of resonant windings, but allows power transmission over through the air.

Cool...I bet that's expensive...

Cigarette Based Display System

Artist David Moises created a display made from 35 cigarettes that "burns" simple letters and symbols.

Some wild stuff here.....I like it...

The Puzzle Painting

Time-lapse video of some people creating artwork on four different pieces of canvas which are then moved around and then repainted...neat to watch, some of them came out awesome!!!

Good Times...Good Times...

I am only going to post the first 10, but if you enter any year it will tell you the top 100 songs from that year, kinda cool I guess...

So here are some songs that were at the top of the charts when I graduated from High School...

1. Candle In The Wind 1997, Elton John
2. Foolish Games / You Were Meant For Me, Jewel
3. I'll Be Missing You, Puff Daddy and Faith Evans
4. Un-Break My Heart, Toni Braxton
5. Can't Nobody Hold Me Down, Puff Daddy
6. I Believe I Can Fly, R. Kelly
7. Don't Let Go (Love), En Vogue
8. Return Of The Mack, Mark Morrison
9. How Do I Live, LeAnn Rimes
10. Wannabe, Spice Girls

Eccentric Statues From Around The World...

Wow, these are great!!! Very talented and creative artists...

Website Generates Fake Boarding Passes

Fancy a long stay in one of Bush's secret prisons? Easy -- just use this site to generate a fake Northwest Airlines boarding pass and try using it to get past security.

You know, I bet you could get away with is seriously flawed when it comes to US airports...

Do It The Russian Way!!!

Here are some pictures taken in Russia, it is crazy what those vodka loving people will do!

In Soviet Russia, Vodka drinks you!

Too funny, seriously funny...

Epic Pictures of Extreme Weather Instability

Wow, these are some great pictures!!! So thats what an approaching sand storm looks like...scary!

In the ghetto...

Apparently kids in the ghetto have been wearing some rather outlandish-looking outfits to the prom...

These have been around on the internets for a while, but damn....crazy, crazy, crazy! Still gives me a chuckle...

You go girl!

Worst Paint Job Ever...

So here is a 2006 Dodge Charger...asking price $300,000...

You couldnt pay me enough to even sit inside of this car....hideous...I wonder how the paint will hold up on the tires?!!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

"Nature's Call " Exhibit

Clark Sorensen has created some of the most amazing and beautiful urinals one is likely to ever see. Each is meticulously hand built and one of a kind - formed from high fire porcelain and fired to cone 10 (2300 deg.). They are fully functioning vitreous porcelain fixtures that can actually be plumbed and used in a bathroom or simply displayed. The show even contains three functioning urinals that you may flush! Clark hopes that his urinals will be put to use in uniquely designed bathrooms around the world. He has a gorgeous Calla Lily urinal in his studio from a previous show that is plumbed and fully functioning.

I want one!!! Fabulous!!!

CHARGED...True Story

Naomi Campbell kicks her assistant's ass. A True Story told through the magic of puppetry.

Best re-enactment ever!!!

The Search is on...

So whats wrong with this picture?...LOL

Pelican Swallows Pigeon...

"There was a bit of a struggle for about 20 minutes, with all these people watching. The pelican only opened its mouth a couple of times.

"Then it managed to get the pigeon to go head first down its throat. It was kicking and flapping the whole way down."

Those darn english pelicans...I for one blame global warming...LOL

Limbaugh's Little Commentary

After showing the clip of Limbaugh's sad reenactment of Fox's appearance, Keith was joined by Sam Seder to discuss it, along with other ways the Republicans turn to attacks instead of addressing the issues. Seder nails the main talking point surrounding this whole discussion - How the right attacks those who are actually affected by these issues and posses the bravery to bring them into the political arena. Just ask the Congressional pages about that one.

I am speechless...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Russia can repel asteroids to save Earth

"If necessary, Russia's rocket-manufacturing complex can create the means in space to repulse asteroids threatening Earth," Remishevsky said, without giving further details.

The official stressed that saving Earth from the threat of asteroids demanded international cooperation.

Well at least SOMEONE is looking out for the earth...

The Evolution of Computers

This is a very nice animation done for an Adidas commercial...

Light Doodle Project

A Digital Camera and a Pen Light were all the tools used to make these incredible animations, thats some crazy stuff!!!

My Animated World

"This Stop Motion Animation takes you into another world. In this world no physical laws count. The only laws that count are the laws of the Animator. I animated myself through my house and the city of Breda, the Netherlands. It took me 6 months to complete. That is mainly because of the weather. It wasn't always suitable to shoot my scenes. The song I used is called Chinois by DJ Aphrodite and can be found on the record Aftershock."

This is a really cool piece of work...I would love to do something like this...but I for one do not have the patience!

Why Orange Juice Tastes like Crap after Brushing...

It's a question you may never have asked, but if you've ever brushed your teeth before you've had a glass of juice, you'll know why we had to seek professional advice.

David Cannell is the scientific spokesperson for Questacon, "It's because of a certain ingredient in toothpaste called sodium laurel sulfate. It actually blocks sweet sensors. All the other taste bud cells in your mouth are firing away nicely, but the receptors which pick up the sweet sensors are not working anymore. Not only does it block the sweet sensors, it enhances the sour and bitter, so you get this massive influx of sour and bitter taste coming through the mouth."

David says tastebuds are a very interesting part of the body, "They're the little bumps on the top of your tongue. They look like a tiny onion, if you look at it with a high powered microscope. Each tastebud, which we have about ten thousand of, has about fifty different taste cells."

....just dont drink anything sweet for a while and you will be good to go...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Words Per Minute

Ok, so it's high-school all over again...remember typing class, trying to type as fast as you can without looking at the keyboard or making mistakes...well here is a program that lets you know...well, fast you type...

All it does is sit in your system tray, and monitor how quickly you type, giving a WPM number. Although the algorithm for determining your typing speed is admittedly over simplified, it's still very fun to see how you're doing as you're writing something.

Let the typing out Mavis Beacon!

Sand Artist

This is really long, but very neat. That would be a very hard medium, I could imagine, to work with...He has uber sand skills....LOL...

1. Light-box
2. Sand
3. Projector
4. Crazy mad sand, superhuman even...

I think I seem to have captured a bearded lady...

Bush says he uses “the Google.” that something you can find on the "internets"? Hats off to the man, he can read a map...well, if it's of his home in Crawford, Texas.....slaps forehead!!!

Advanced Quadruped Robot

"A nimble, four-legged robot is so surefooted it can recover its balance even after being given a hefty kick. The machine, which moves like a cross between a goat and a pantomime horse, is being developed as a robotic pack mule for the US military."

I saw this the other day on TV and was fascinated, very cool technology!

What makes a Beaver, a Beaver...?

"I don't know how many times i've just been talking on the phone doodling a bearded taco."

Yeah....not once that I can think of, but this clip is pretty funny, a set-up no less, but still funny...

FCC Song

And on the topic of the FCC, here is the Side Boob Hour, with Peter Griffin...A classic!!!


Oh this is great, I love it!!!

Sing to me Songbird...

"It’s like taking iTunes, ripping out the music store, and replacing it with the rest of the internet."

Songbird™ is a desktop Web player, a digital jukebox and Web browser mash-up. Like Winamp, it supports extensions and skins called "feathers". Like Firefox®, it is built from Mozilla®, cross-platform and open give it a look, and check it out!

Congressman Mark Foley Action Figure

"Congressman Mark Foley Action Figure WITN #3 Six inches tall. This is a sculptural Mockup in polymer clay it is not articulated. ONE OF A KIND. Artist David Johnson of SpectreStudios"

Well that is very interesting...The artist is from Denver....WOW, the bidding is @ $255 as I am typing this....funny, but the price is getting a little out of always seems to be the case on ebay these days...

Winning Bid: $315.01

Sunday, October 22, 2006

It's Clintons fault...

Remember scandal fatigue? It was an affliction supposedly either turning voters against Democrats or, alternatively, a weariness in the body politic preventing Republicans from pursuing even more grievances against Clinton. After four years of Bush's presidency, the entire nation should be suffering from utter scandal exhaustion.

Oh yeah, and John Kerry is French....LOL


"Art-O-Meter is a device that measures the quality of an art piece. It bases its evaluation on the amount of time that people spend in front of an artwork compared to the total time of exhibition. The measurements are graphically represented by comments and a 5 star rating system.

That's a pretty cool idea, but I wonder how sensitive the motion sensor is...On second inspection the meter says "pièce de merde", which means "piece of shit" in this must be a joke...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Camel Shadow Caravan

"This starkly beautiful overhead image of shadows cast by a caravan of camels trekking across desert sands is the work of photographer George Steinmetz, whose work has been featured on the cover of National Geographic and within the pages of many other magazines devoted to news, travel, and the sciences. As described on his web site, Mr. Steinmetz is "Best known for his exploration and science photography [as he] sets out to reveal the few remaining secrets in our world today: remote deserts, obscure cultures, new developments in science and technology,"

The previous picture I posted reminded me of this picture....which is probably one of my favorite pictures ever taken, that I have seen.

The tree in the forest...

A combination of logging and hurricane damage made this fascinating image of a giant oak tree, photographed from the sky by Swedish photographer Jocke Bergland.

Wow, how cool is that!!! Who says their aren't patterns in nature...

Pill Nazis...No Contraception For YOU...

Even if they believe contraception is "sinful," religious social service organizations must provide female employees with birth control coverage in their health insurance, the New York state's highest court unanimously ruled yesterday.

Do what I say, or damn you to hell!!!...and yet another attempt by the church to rule everything in everyones life. Those crazy churchies...there coming to get us, I tell you!!! Watch your back...

Space Off Limits...and that means you!!!

U.S. President George W. Bush has quietly signed a new National Space Policy that asserts his country's right to deny access to space to anyone "hostile to U.S. interests."

WTF?, I mean seriously, we now own the rights to the area of space outside of the planet that everyone lives on? Give me a break, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!!!

King George, King far has he fallen...

Hole in Ozone Shield Bigger Than Ever

"We now have the largest ozone hole on record," said Craig Long of NCEP.

And global warming doesn't exist.....what more does any one need to wake them up to this global crisis? Well, when the day comes that the sun fries everyone to crisp, then they will care...

One Step Closer to an Invisibility Cloak

To test the invisibility cloak, researchers first fired microwaves at a copper cylinder and recorded the electronic shadow it cast. They next showed in contrast that microwaves largely pass around the invisibility cloak as if it weren't there. "There is some reflection, so this isn't perfect, but it is only a prototype," says David Schurig of Duke University.

Sounds interesting, but a cloak like Harry's would be theory you would be invisible, but you couldn't see that sucks!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Secret Wall Tattoos

The next time you check in to a hotel room, look behind the mirrors, paintings and headboards because you might just find some art. And if you don't, make some.

What a clever, and original idea...who would ever know? The real question is, how many hotels does he stay at in a week?!!!

Marilyn "Manson" Musgrave Stinks

NBC 9News "Truth Test" called a campaign ad asserting that U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave voted to cut clean water programs "false," citing a vote in the 109th Congress, but failed to mention a vote in the 108th Congress in which Musgrave did vote against a motion to reject Clean Water Act exemptions for the oil and gas industry.

Dont even get me started on this woman, girl is crazy!!! And lies, lies, lies!

It seems to her the most pressing issue for the United States of America is to put forth a constitutional ban on anything and everything homosexual. If she truly believed in family values, why would she so willingly, open without shame, promote hatred and discrimination?

So for all your "hard work" I say no thanks, and please...focus on your own family.

High levels of debt are costing thousands of military personnel their security clearances and preventing them from serving critical overseas duty.

You have got to be kidding me right? Well the government doesn't pay nearly as well as Haliburton, so I guess your average soldier would have high levels of debt...the people we trust to protect us the most, get forgotten about the most, and that is a not only that, but now they cant perform military duties that they are required to do, as one can imagine this only helps with our over-stretched military situation. We must be stead-fast and resolute.

After all, military recruitment is at an all time high....right? Isnt it? Say it isn't so...

Beauprez the default option in Fox 31 online poll

MyFoxColorado, featured an interactive poll asking, "With the election less than three weeks away, who do you plan to vote for in the race for Governor?" Although the poll gave website visitors a choice of five candidates and the option "I don't intend to vote," it listed Republican Bob Beauprez as the default option.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, where to even begin?!!!

Bush is drinking, again!

Ok, so here we have a hillarious clip from The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson....and yes, George W Bush is defiantly a drunken babbling idiot...still...


The Horde of the Bling

The Horde of the Bling takes place in a land called Muddled Earth. A population of short, fattened, electrolized footed peoples called Head-bobbits live in blissful ignorance of the world around them. One of the great leaders and adventurers of their time is Daddy-o Bagman, father to the hero of the story, Fraud-o Bagman. One of Daddy-o's deepest and darkest secrets is the bling. The bling is all powerful, and controls everything... Corrupting absolutely anyone who seeks to possesses it.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Skeleton Dance

This brings back memories, when I was a kid this was one of my favorite cartoons (circa 1929)...and now I have rediscovered it in time for this years Halloween!!! There was also another cartoon with a little girl, a frankenstein-ish monster, and some red monster thing. It came on every year around Halloween, and I loved it....cant remember what that was for the life of me...oh well...


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